At Bayview State School, to prepare students for the 21st century and to meet the ICT requirements embedded in the Australian Curriculum the integration of technology into the classroom is necessary. The way in which teachers and students communicate and engage in the teaching and learning process is fundamentally altered when technology is embedded.
The BYO iPad program is a priority of Bayview State School. Purposeful access to ICT increases personalisation of learning, creative thinking, collaboration, engagement and academic achievement.
We believe that balanced and appropriate use of technology can stimulate interest, increase proficiency and support differentiated learning pathways for our students
Learning can be extended beyond the walls of the classroom, enabling students to continue their learning anywhere, anytime.
While digital tools can be used to support and enhance teaching practice and learning experiences, technology does not change what it takes to learn. The teacher, through their guidance and explicit direction of the learning journey and the students, through their motivation and work output remain the most critical factor within every classroom.
The BayView State School BYO iPad Program enables:
Enhanced learning efficiency with personalised student learning in an engaging and interactive environment;
Development of knowledge and skills necessary for the 21st century;
Strengthens links between home and school providing parents with transparent communication.
App List
iPad Expectations and Consequences
Our School’s Behaviour Management Policy promotes a safe and supportive school environment with all learning tools
Expectation | Differentiated Behaviour (Breach- Level 1) | Consequence |
Students follow the following school iPad rules: - Bring a fully charged iPad to school.
- Use the correct app at the appropriate time.
- Use your own iPad or work with a friend with their permission.
- IPads to be stored safely in the classroom when not in use.
- When travelling to or from school my iPad will be in its protective case and inside my school bag.
| Not following classroom iPad rules: - Unsafe handling of the iPad.
- Not using the correct app
- Notifications are not turned off
| Class Teacher: - iPad may be removed for a short period of time, session or day
| Focused Behaviour (Breach – Level 2) | Consequences |
| | - Class teacher and e-Learning teacher.
- iPad may be removed for a short period of time, session or day
- ICT Breach recorded on One School
- Parent contacted
| Intensive Behaviour (Breach – Level 3) | Consequences |
| - Consistent repeated Level 2 breach
- A students passing on another child's password
- Cyber bullying
- Explicit inappropriate content on iPad
- Explicit inappropriate internet history on iPad
| Administration ICT breech recorded Behaviour- One School Parent contacted - iPad may not return to school until adjustments have been made to make iPad meet school recommendations.
Apps that Students Under the age of 13 should not be using.