Our P&C Association is active in many ways within the school. It helps formulate policy in certain areas of the school, and supports the Principal and staff in their endeavours to create a vital and successful school.
If you are a member of the association, any support or suggestions that you can offer are always appreciated.
The Parents and Citizen’s Association meets in the Staff Room in the Corporate Services Centre on the third Wednesday of the month at 6.30 pm. Parents will be notified in advance of any changes to these dates or times.
A cordial invitation is extended to all interested parents and community members to attend our meetings.
Our 2025 P&C Executive:
President - Alisha Guihenneuc
Vice President - Kelly McGufficke
Vice President (Social Media) - Kylie Mirtchin
Vice President (Fundraising) - Philippa Pilkington
Secretary - Janine Fisher
Treasurer - Andrea Fretwell